Thursday, 14 April 2011

14: Justice vs. Simian, “We Are Your Friends” (no.20, 2006)

The above isn’t the song, exactly - rather, it’s a fairly dull offering from some long-forgotten Mancunian indie kids - but it serves as the first point of call in one of the most inspired musical transmogrifications of recent years. Two aspirant French DJs (the Justice of the title) took the chorus - the only moment where that dreary track wakes up, really - stuck what can only be described as an earth-shaking bassline underneath it, and coupled it to a don’t-try-this-at-home video that irked Kanye West off something rotten. (Three years before making Taylor Swift cry, West was storming the stage at the MTV Europe Music Awards to complain that he, rather than Justice, should have won the Best Video prize. If history shows us nothing else, it shows us that Kanye West has repeatedly been an utter bellend.) Some songs make you want to stay up past your bedtime. Here, finally, is Justice vs. Simian’s “We Are Your Friends” - play it LOUD.

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